4.6 Delegations
Under the Financial Accountability Act 2009, the Director-General, Department of the Premier and Cabinet as the accountable officer for ministerial offices may delegate the incurring of expenditure.
However, the Minister still remains responsible for the proper management and control of all financial transactions effected under such delegations.
Staff members are not allowed to authorise their own expenditure or expenditure incurred on their behalf. The Director-General establishes, in liaison with the Office of the Minister, the appropriate level of delegations of authority to ministerial staff for the effective operation of the office. These delegations are to the person and not the position. They are not transferable. Delegation limits include GST.
A Minister may personally authorise their direct expenditure as well as expenditure incurred on behalf of their office. In addition, the Minister’s direct expenditure (excluding entertainment) may be authorised by the Chief of Staff, and the Deputy Chief of Staff within the Office of the Premier, subject to financial delegation levels.
The Chief of Staff, and the Deputy Chief of Staff within the Office of the Premier, (subject to financial delegation) may authorise all other ministerial office expenditure for entertainment and travel. The Premier may also give approval for nominated ministerial staff to authorise entertainment and travel.
For internal control purposes, all proposed expenditure that is significant or related to expenditure by the Chief of Staff, should be discussed with and formally endorsed by the Minister.
An Assistant Minister may authorise their own expenditure up to a limit of $10,000 and may request a delegation for a ministerial staff member to authorise expenditure on their behalf.
The Director-General may delegate authority to Ministerial Services personnel to approve routine and recurrent ministerial office expenditure. These delegations are to a position rather than an individual and are detailed in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet’s Expenditure Delegations.
In addition, the Director of Ministerial Services can approve expenditure of up to $100,000 on behalf of a Minister. Where practical, the Minister must personally authorise their own expenditure within 45 days of the Director of Ministerial Services approving the expenditure on their behalf. The reason for the Director of Ministerial Services approving expenditure on behalf of the Minister must be documented and attached.
Losses and special payments require the approval of Department of the Premier and Cabinet officers under the Department of the Premier and Cabinet delegations.
New delegations are required on the change of a Minister.