Review of email to the Department of Transport and Main Roads
Read the opinion of Mr John McKenna KC.
Review of culture and accountability in the public sector
Read the Terms of Reference for the review of culture and accountability in the public sector.
Report of the review of the allegations attributed to the former State Archivist about the Queensland State Archives' Annual Reports for 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20
Read the Report - Review of the allegations attributed to the former State Archivist about the Queensland State Archives' Annual Reports for 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.
Internal Audit Report - Advance Queensland Business Development Fund Process Regarding Fortress Capstone Pty Ltd
The Ernst & Young report examining the process surrounding the awarding of funding under the Advance Queensland Business Development Fund to Fortress Capstone Pty Ltd.
Integrity and accountability review
Queenslanders are invited to contribute to the development of a Reportable Conduct Scheme.