3.5 Executive Officer/Secretary
An Executive Officer or Government Board Secretary provides administrative support to the Government Board. On policy and advisory committees, the Executive Officer may have a coordination, policy development or project management role. The Executive Officer may also brief new Government Board members. The Government Board relies on the Executive Officer to follow correct procedures and to advise the Government Board on public sector regulations, accountability standards and legislative requirements.
The Executive Officer or Government Board Secretary is usually responsible for taking the minutes of the Government Board. It is a duty of the Government Board members to ensure minutes are accurate and reflect a true and correct record of the procedures and decisions of meetings.
Minutes provide evidence of attendance and participation in discussion as well as document the decision making process. This information can become legal evidence and be used to prove whether a member has acted diligently and conscientiously and/or whether the Government Board has acted appropriately. Minutes also provide a record of dissenting votes, establish that the Government Board was advised of a conflict of interest, or that a member was absent as required during a vote on a matter of conflict of interest. It is important that members take personal responsibility to ensure that their views, statements or decisions are reflected accurately in the minutes and should there be any discrepancies, ensure the minutes are amended accordingly.