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    This edition of The Queensland Executive Council Handbook, like the various previous editions, provides information and guidance to Ministers and Departmental officers who prepare Executive Council Minutes and supporting documents for submission to the Governor in Council. It also provides information about the role of the Governor and Executive Council in the effective and proper governance of Queensland.

    The handbooks provide extensive administrative detail about the processes and practices associated with the effective functioning of the Queensland Executive
    Council, the Legislative Assembly, Cabinet, Government departments and agencies.

    This edition includes references to the Constitution of Queensland 2001 replacing references to the repealed Constitution (Office of Governor) Act 1987 and the Officials in Parliament Act 1896.

    The use of summaries and notes in the wide margin is designed to facilitate swift preview of text material and also to provide checklists for frequent users. An alphabetical index has also been included in the Handbook for ease of reference. This edition will be provided on the Internet to allow access to a wider audience. Frequent users will also value the hyperlinks within the electronic text, allowing swift movement to related topics.

    The Executive Council Handbook is one in a series of handbooks that provides information about:

    • policy development in government agencies;
    • the role of Cabinet and the Executive Council;
    • the roles and responsibilities of Ministers and Ministerial staff; and
    • the processes of drafting and approving laws.

    The Executive Council Handbook outlines, in particular, the quite precise requirements for preparation of Executive Council Minutes and supporting documentation for matters which require consideration and approval by the Governor in Council including certain appointments, subordinate legislation, commencement of high value projects greater than delegated amounts, statutory instruments and other
    administrative actions.

    Other titles in the series include:

    • The Queensland Cabinet Handbook
    • The Queensland Legislation Handbook
    • The Queensland Ministerial Handbook
    • The Queensland Parliamentary Procedures Handbook
    • Welcome Aboard: A Guide for Members of Queensland Government Boards, Committees and Statutory Authorities

    Constitutional and Administrative Law Services, State Affairs, the Department of the Premier and Cabinet provides expert advice and support for the proper functioning of the Executive Council process. It has an advisory role with Departments in facilitating business which Executive Councillors (Ministers) wish to submit for consideration by the Governor in Council.

    The State Affairs area has been responsible for preparation of this Handbook since its initial publication in 1994. This new edition will continue to ensure that information being considered at Executive Council is of the highest quality.

    The Executive Council Handbook can be accessed on the Internet via the Department of the Premier and Cabinet's website at in the publications section.

    Correspondence about the Executive Council Handbook should be addressed to:

    The Director
    Constitutional and Administrative Law Services
    Department of the Premier and Cabinet
    PO Box 15185
    City East Qld 4002

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    Last updated:
    18 May, 2016
    Last reviewed:
    10 October, 2012